I’m baaaaack!

Okay, so it probably appears as though I disappeared off the face of the earth, but that really isn’t the case. The past couple months were a struggle to put it lightly, it’s amazing what being laid off can do to a person. I had no idea it would be such a roller coaster.  Things are definitely falling back into place, but I have this fear bottled up inside that it’s just all going to crumble beneath me. It’s like I’m too afraid to fall into the lay-z boy of comfort, in fear that something detrimental is going to come a long and shake my boat again, so I just tiptoe on the edge.

I know it’s irrational. I know that it’s pathetic. I know that I need to just live life.

but how?

How can I when I’m terrified that things are going to come and rock the boat my wife and I are so steadily climbing back into. I mean I don’t think we’ve been in this good of a place in a long time, maybe that is what scares the hell out of me.

Add a comment May 3, 2009


I was laid off on Feb 3rd. But I gots a new one today!


Add a comment February 27, 2009

new tv 2


new tv <333 it!

1 comment February 14, 2009


We put up our tree this weekend. It’s a bit of a Charlie Brown tree, but we LOVE it, and it smells sooooo good. To view the pictures, just click on them. Sorry they are twisted, I’m just now figuring this out, bare w/ me.

Add a comment December 14, 2008


Baked Chicken Nuggets.

4 Servings, about 3 ounces each
Chicken thighs, boneless, skinless 1-1/2 pounds
Ready-to-eat cereal, cornflakes, crumbs 1 cup
Paprika 1 teaspoon
Italian herb seasoning 1/2 teaspoon
Garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon
Onion powder 1/4 teaspoon

1. Remove skin and bone; cut thighs into bite-sized pieces.

2. Place cornflakes in plastic bag and crush by using a rolling pin.

3. Add remaining ingredients to crushed cornflakes. Close bag tightly and shake until blended.

4. Add a few chicken pieces at a time to crumb mixture. Shake to coat evenly.


1. Preheat oven to 400° F. Lightly grease a cooking sheet.

2. Place chicken pieces on cooking sheet so they are not touching.

3. Bake until golden brown, about 12 to 14 minutes.



1. Lightly grease an 8 by 12 inch baking dish.

2. Place chicken pieces on baking dish so they are not touching. Cover with waxed paper and cook on high.

3. Rotate chicken every 2 to 3 minutes. Cook until tender, about 6 to 8 minutes.

Note: To remove bone from chicken thighs:

1. Place chicken on cutting board. Remove skin from thighs.

2. Turn chicken thighs over.

3. Cut around bone and remove it.

Calories 175
Total fat 8 grams
Saturated fat 2 grams
Cholesterol 67 milligrams
Sodium 127 milligrams

Add a comment December 11, 2008


So, it’s been quite sometime since my last post. I’m a slacker I’ll admit it! However, there has been a lot going on in my little world. Let me run it down for you work-julie’sgraduation-thanksgiving-juliesmomvisiting-triptocalifornia-work-familystuff-birthdays-work-school-schoolfinals-work. Get it? Got it? Good. I don’t feel so guilty for no blogging now. However, while on my trip to California my beloved Aunt, (there is no sarcasm in beloved, she really is my favorite) frequently informed me of my need to diet. Gee thanks Aunt B! But, I’m not putting her down. She is absolutely 100% correct. I do need to diet! So, here is my 3rd, and FINAL attempt at a healthier me. If I don’t succeed well, I’ll just swell into a balloon, and bust.

Last night was my first real shot at it. So I grabbed my purse, and headed towards Win-co. I started throwing anything healthy, and delicious into the cart. I have all sorts off goodness to make delicious healthy dinners with, and enough Lean Cuisines to last me till January.

So, as repetative, as that feels on this blog, it’s the reality, I’m sticking to it. I need to for the sake of me, myself, and I.  If you really find my diet battle intriguing you are more than welcome to read my food journal, but trust me it’s going to be pretty lame. However, I will appreciate your support!

Add a comment December 10, 2008


Lately, I have been slacking on my blogging, but here I am back in action. I’ll start w/ a few updates. I have recently started doing a couple things to better myself, drink more water, walk, etc. I wouldn’t call it a diet at all just a few things to help myself out.

I’ve been finding my inner homemakerness. Updates to come.

Add a comment November 25, 2008


Just to relive all the moments of glory. Here is Obama’s fantastic, speech.


Add a comment November 5, 2008


To the world. . . I can’t believe my ears, eyes, heart, and soul. I have never been happier. Thank all of you americans for the hope. Obama is going to be a wonderful president, his poise in that speech was beautiful. He is amazing. His children are beautiful, and his family empowering. They puppy adorable. My eyes cry heartfelt tears of joy, thank you all.

Add a comment November 5, 2008

Refreshed, Diet Day 1.

1. Double tall soy latte. 2pts.

2. 1 whole apple, 2pts.

1 comment October 20, 2008






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